Teacher Lost Her 16-Year-Old Cat, So Her Students Surprised Her With 2 Rescue Kittens

Teacher Lost Her 16 Year Old Cat So Her Students Surprised Her With 2 Rescue Kittens

A teacher was understandably upset when her beloved cat passed away at 16-years-old. But a group of her students decided to cheer her up with an amazing surprise gift.

After hearing that Tonya Andrews, had lost her cat Blondie, Ashlei Mahan and Rachel Hanhart decided to console their math teacher with cupcakes, balloons and flowers – and two adorable kittens!

Even though the teacher had said she would be getting new kittens soon, her students “beat her to the punch”. Needless to say, she was overwhelmed. The girls’ caught the emotional moment on camera, and the video quickly went viral.

Andrews is overcome with emotion and bursts into tears.

“Are they mine?” she asks the teenage girls, while cuddling one of the kittens.

Andrews told The Huffington Post that Blondie died in her arms on her way to the ER vet hospital shortly after she and her husband realized the cat was sick.

“I cried pretty much every period that next day at school,” she told the newspaper. “I thought something was afoot, however, when only half of my class was in my room second period the next day when the tardy bell rang.”

She said she could “feel the love of the class” but initially thought the kittens belonged to one of the girls and she was simply going to play with them. When they said they were hers, her heart filled with joy.

The two kittens have since been named Missy and Girlie. Share this uplifting story with your friends and family.

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